revised: 11 July 1996 (ag)
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- Fix loginscreen02.gif - reshoot pandora
- showme cards for getting_started
- references to GUS & Help in each section
- desktop_overview:need to shoot default desktop with large Icons, then shrink
image and add callouts.
- - version control
- - gif images are encoded with dimensions for height & width, which makes
editing/reshooting .gifs problematic. Dimensions are only necessary if we
intentionally wish to shrink/expand images
- - need to check for absolute pathnames in all HTML code
- - I need to understand what the "Workshop" section will cover, so we don't
have redundant stuff.
FIXED: Mouse settings window is slightly different
(mouse is more rounded)
also removed the image dimensions from the html code,
since this is something that could change if we continue
to re-shoot parts of the desktop.
- Find > An Icon changed to Find > File QuickFind
- the "Search for Files" command is still greyed out. need to check up on
- #6. No "Put Away Icon"
- FIXED: The Dumpster: Icon with overflowing garbage can needs to be removed.
- FIXED: need to remove the yellow tint also.
Screen Saver control Panel needs some minor changes
(add "Power Saver" Slider)
- Background Setting Control Panel shows "No Preview Available" for Rockface.
Need to check if final version behavior...
- Icon in color scheme browser needs to be updated.
- (has picture of sample scheme)
- Need to check on the tape backup tool - doesn't appear to be available from
toolchest (this system doesn't have a local DAT)
- FIXED: Printer Manager Screen chopped off
FIXED: Glossary:
1024 bytes = 1 Kb
1024 * 1024 bytes = 1048576 bytes = 1 Mb
Need better description for NIS (too recursive)
primary system (buainess?)
Things to embellish/investigate further:
Logging In
- Adding a Personal Log In Account
Intro to adding a new user...
why? why do I need to add an account?
how to handle? this is explained
well with the GUI tools
Desktop Overview
- - Console window prompt will not look as shown in example
Your Home Directory
- Opening your home directory
Home directory not on default desktop (could be a bug)
NOTE:5june: this is a bug - it will be fixed eventually.
if its not there, choose
Desktop > Home Directory
Could use a picture of the Recycle button
- Window Elements
The button above is an example...
confusing - what are we trying to show here?
- FIXED: File and Directory Management
- - Creating a New Directory
- 1st directory is empty.dir
- 2nd is empty1.dir
- 3rd is empty2.dir
Using On-Line Documents
- Help menu graphic needs to be replaced with the later version.
"Desktop Help" should be changed to: "How do I..."
Basic System Administration
- need to go into sharing resources & using shared resources
Q? - do we want to embellish this section with the new netscape-driven
help-intensive screens? (are they self explanitory?)
- there is no "find printers" because of the removal of the objectserver.
- + one first needs to know the name of a host which already has printers
- + Find > Remote Resources, type in a hostname, then click on "Update"
- + drag & drop printer icon onto the desktop
- - several Intro... things
Customizing the desktop
- "Audio Control" becomes "Control Audio"
- Horizontal Toolchest needs to be re-shot. "Help" becomes "Answers"